The Ultimate Guide To Isabella French Bulldogs

Ivy Rose Puppies - Licensed French Bulldog Breeders
Ivy Rose Puppies - Licensed French Bulldog Breeders

The Ultimate Guide To Isabella French Bulldogs

Ivy Rose Puppies - Licensed French Bulldog Breeders

Are you looking for Isabella French Bulldogs? Perhaps you’re a first-time owner searching for the best information about your beloved pet. Or maybe you’re pondering what an Isabella French Bulldog is.

Whatever it be, Ivy Rose Puppies have created the ultimate guide for the wonderful Isabella French Bulldog, including the looks, the size, how to care, a feeding guide, and much more.

Let’s start with the exact definition of an Isabella French Bulldog.

Isabella French bulldog

Are you looking for an Isabella French Bulldog? Perhaps you’re a first-time owner searching for the best information about your beloved pet. Or maybe you’re pondering what an Isabella French Bulldog is.

Whatever it be, Ivy Rose Puppies have created the ultimate guide for the wonderful Isabella French Bulldog, including the looks, the size, how to care, a feeding guide, and much more.

Let’s start with the exact definition of an Isabella French Bulldog.

Isabella French bulldog

What Exactly Is An Isabella French Bulldog?

An Isabella French Bulldog is a coloured variation of a traditional French Bulldog. They are liver/greyish-blue coloured (a consequence of diluting multiple genes, including red, liver, and black). Standard French bulldogs typically have a red/fawn colour, whereas Isabella French bulldogs have different coloured fur. Moreover, there is a deviation in eye colour; they have a lighter blue and brown colour.

But apart from colour, what makes them so unique? Their temperaments are pretty much the same – easy, outgoing, loving, and playful. You’d never encounter much of an issue with owning an Isabella French bulldog, and they aren’t known for having problems with guarding. Furthermore, apart from colour, they look the same as other French bulldogs. The fabulous flat face, bat ears, short and compact body, and tiny tail are all characteristics of the Isabella French bulldog.

It goes without saying that the uniqueness of the Isabella French bulldog lies within their DNA and genealogy. The Isabella colour is one of the rarest french bulldog colours. As mentioned earlier, this is due to the dilution of the recessive gene, leading to a gorgeous liver/greyish-blue shade of fur.

The coat of an Isabella French bulldog often appears different at birth. For example, it may seem to have a blue coat that remains throughout their puppyhood. Yet, once they begin to mature and age, you should see a natural change in their coat colour to an Isabella colour. See the image here of an Isabella French bulldog.

Isabella Fawn French Bulldog Stud
Isabella Fawn French Bulldog Stud

What Do Isabella French Bulldogs Look Like?

Isabella fawn French bulldog on a grey sofa
Isabella fawn French bulldog on a grey sofa

BEWARE! Simply looking at an Isabella French bulldog is likely to leave you mesmerised – they are stunning!

They have a square-shaped head, flat facial features such as nose, mouth, and eyes, with darker colour shades around their eyes mouth. 

Their noses are usually dark coloured, similar to their fur. However, they also have pink skin around their eyes, nose, and mouth. The most interesting physical characteristic of the Isabella French bulldog is the bat ears. This was the main driving force in the French bulldogs rise to popularity.

Their body shape is short and compact (with minor deviations from dog to dog). Due to their short fur length, they are not typically perceived as furry or “cuddly”. In fact, the feeling of their coat is coarse, though they still love a good stroke!

Isabella French bulldogs do shed hair, so groom them regularly to minimise unwanted shedding. Shedding is a natural process in some dog breeds and other animal species. Snakes shed whole sets of skin, whereas humans shed small amounts of hair and dead skin cells. Normally, it is not something to worry about unless your dog loses large amounts of fur. Granted, Isabella French bulldogs do not shed as much as other breeds. As mentioned earlier, minor fur colour changes may occur as the dog transitions from puppy to adult.

Finally, the Isabella French bulldog tail is short and stumpy. It isn’t docked.

Isabella French Bulldogs: The Good and The Bad

One advantage of the Isabella French bulldog is the top-notch temperament. For example, our Isabella Fawn stud dog, Bingo, has a playful character. He is excellent around small children and loves to run around the house.

Another advantage is the versatility of the Isabella French bulldog. For example, they are comfortable living in a small apartment, which may be more difficult with a large breed, like an Alsatian. This is because the smaller the dog, the smaller the space requirement. Though it is still necessary to incorporate a suitable amount of exercise, including daily walks, mental exercise (training), and play-time. The amount of exercise needed is lower than a larger dog.

However, one disadvantage of the Isabella French bulldog is the flat face. Due to the breathing difficulties associated with brachycephalic dogs, Isabella French bulldogs may not fare well in hot climates, such as countries nearer to the equator. This is a limitation as it limits who can safely own an Isabella French bulldog.

Another disadvantage is the stubborn temperament of the breed. This means there may be difficulties training the Isabella French bulldog, and some minor behavioural problems may occur more often than other breeds. This may persuade some people away from the breed.

An Isabella French Bulldog puppy in the arms of a woman
An Isabella French Bulldog puppy in the arms of a woman

Isabella French Bulldog: Grooming Guide

IMG 0053 1
IMG 0053 1

Compared to other breeds, such as the giant English Mastiff, the Isabella French bulldog has a relatively low requirement for grooming. This is another benefit of the beautiful breed! The minor grooming need is why most people choose to purchase a French bulldog, alongside the excellent family temperament and low exercise requirement.

However, it is vital to ensure proper care when you do need to groom your Isabella French bulldog. Here are some steps to take when brushing and washing your pet:

Step 1: Brush Gently

Before bathing the Isabella French bulldog, you should first brush out any visible dirt. This will make your job easier once your dog is in the tub by reducing the time needed and removing the bulk of the dirt.

Start by softly brushing the back of the dog’s neck and moving downwards across their body. It may be a good idea to reward your dog during this process to help correlate grooming with a positive experience. If you come across stubborn dirt, apply slightly more pressure. Be careful not to harm your dog at this point. If the dirt doesn’t budge, do not worry. Some stains require warm water to loosen the molecules and dissolve.

Step 2: Bathe

Your next step is to bathe the Isabella French bulldog in a small amount of warm (not HOT!) water. It is important to note that the dog does not need to be fully submerged in a tub of water; a small amount of water arising no further than halfway between their legs and stomach is more than enough. You do not want to scare your dog.

Start by placing the dog in the tub. Using a small container, gradually pour water over the dog’s body, ensuring to avoid the eyes and ears as much as possible. When you are satisfied with your progress, initiate the brushing process again. The previous stubborn stains should now be easier to remove.

The eyes, ears, nose, and mouth should be cleaned using an unfragranced wet wipe.

If you are still struggling to remove dirt, you should use a specialist French Bulldog shampoo. This is because Isabella French bulldogs are prone to skin conditions.

Step 3: Drying Time

The final step to grooming an Isabella French bulldog is to dry them appropriately. You can do this by drying them as much as possible using a standard towel. Ensure you dry each nook and cranny of the dog, including legs, stomach, and face.

If your dog still isn’t suitably dry, you can use a small hairdryer to continue the process. However, you must ensure the hairdryer is on low heat or a cool setting. You may wish to continue brushing the dog at this point. Continue to reward them whilst you do this.

The BEST Exercises For An Isabella French Bulldog

Exercise is vital for all species of animals, even us humans! Unfortunately, an Isabella French bulldog cannot sign up to a local gym and pop down whenever needed. Therefore it is vital to ensure that you, the owner, provide them with enough exercise. Fortunately, the exercise requirements for the Isabella French bulldog are reasonably low. You may choose to take them for a daily walk, play with their favourite toy, or both.

Here are the best exercises for an Isabella French bulldog:

1. Daily Walks

To put it simply – nothing beats a beautiful daily walk. Isabella French bulldogs love using their nose and tongue to navigate their environment, and a daily walk provides the best opportunity for them to do so.

You can take your dog to the local park. Parks are full of ever-changing scents and sounds for your dog to explore and stimulate their senses. Even a basic walk around your street can help positively engage the dog with its environment.

2. Balls and Toys

Most dogs find plenty of joy within toys. Prey drive is inside every dog (they stemmed from wolves), and you can utilise this through toys such as balls, kongs, and even rope.

You can try throwing the ball for your dog and rewarding them with a treat every time they fetch and return the ball.

Another great exercise that combines both mental and physical stimulation involves hiding their favourite treat inside a toy and allowing them to sniff it out and eat it. Plastic bottles are perfect for this.

3. Catch Me If You Can!

The final best exercise you can provide your dog is a quick game of chase, or catch me if you can.

This game is pretty simple. Start by running around your garden, near and away from your dog. This usually results in the dog chasing after you.

Ensure you stop every few rounds to reward the dog for their chase. Most dogs are fairly worn out after a 10 minute game of chase!

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